Posts Tagged ‘Extended warranty’

extended auto warranty

Automotive Service Plans

Ask just about anyone you know who owns a car and they will tell you that routine maintenance and repair costs are the single, largest expense they have to pay for out of pocket on a yearly basis. As a result, a number of businesses have sprung up to offer extended service plans for  vehicles that no longer have outlived the manufacturer’s auto warranty or were purchased from private sellers.

Are You a Risk-Taker?

Unless you’re a gambler or incredibly wealthy you may want to seriously consider finding a reputable, after-market retailer of extended warranties and service plans. Even a minor fender bender can run into the thousands of dollars not to mention a seized engine or shot transmission so if you think you don’t have the cash to pay for the protection of a warranty or service plan now what will you do when you’re faced with a bill for hundreds of times that amount?  Fortunately, if you’re still reading this we can assume you’re not yet in this position so act now and find an affordable, extended service plan for your vehicle today.

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