Posts Tagged ‘Porsche Cayman’

Corvette versus the Cayman


A video has been making the rounds in the automotive blogosphere and on various auto forums and has been causing quite a stir. The video is one of Edmund’s great head to heads and compares the V6 Porsche Cayman with the V8 Chevrolet Corvette.



Porsche Cayman S front 20100724


The Corvette Wallops the Cayman


As your watching the video you’ll notice how hesitant the reviewer is to admit that, on point after point, the Chevy Corvette outperforms and out muscles the Cayman. In fact, the reviewer seems to have to make a number of excuses just to justify his obvious bias and preference for the Porsche. Notwithstanding all of that, we were proud and pleased to see the Corvette do so well.

Check out a full review here: