Posts Tagged ‘Scrap’

The Time Has Come

It’s something many of us enthusiasts and car lovers hate to consider but, eventually, it’s going to happen: your beloved car or truck will have outlived its road worthiness and you won’t have a choice but to scrap her. Whether it was a slow death that happened over the course of decades or a sudden, unexpected impact the result is the same and you simply must get the soon-to-be rusting hulk out of your driveway, yard or parking space before the neighbors start to complain. So, what are your options when it comes to car removal? Well, the answer to that depends largely on where you find yourself.


Scrapping Your Car in the Age of the Internet

It used to be that the only real option you had was to have your local tow company drag your junked or totalled car to the junkyard. But, with the advent of the internet your options have expanded considerably. The only real dilemma faced by most consumers is being sure to find a scrap company that is local to you–you certainly don’t want to make arrangements for your car to be picked up by a company based in Toronto, Canada when you’re locate in Houston, Texas.  Since this blog is in English, we’ll do a rundown of the best options to be found in each of the four largest, English speaking countries to help you get started (we’ll group the US and Canada together because of their geographical proximity(: the UK, the US, Canada and Australia.

Scrap Cars for CashCar Removals in the UK

If you’re located in the UK one of the best companies out there is Car Removals UK. They specialize quick service and will send a team right to your door to pick up your junked car FREE OF CHARGE! Why get rid of your car for free when you can get cash for your car with no hassle at all!

In the US and Canada: Kars for Kids

If you live in US or Canada it’s almost certain you’ve heard this jingle on the radio or seen the billboards. Unlike the removal service above, you don’t actually get paid cash for donating your car but you do get to feel good about it so you’re still getting paid in a way. The great features of Kars fr Kids are as follows:

  1. Free towing in all 50 states.
  2. Pickup within 24 to 48 hours.
  3. Tax deductible. Email & paper receipts.
  4. No paperwork for you.Vacation voucher.


Car Removals in Australia

Fine Metal Recycling is known throughout Southeastern Australia for providing quality service and great payouts. If you’re looking for car removals Melbourne‘s mostly widely recognized and trusted scrap metal and junking service company should be your first choice. And, unlike most other services, you can enjoy the convenience of a free, no hassle quote right on their website. Why wait for your scrapped car to rust anymore, get a quote from Fine Metal Recycling today!