Posts Tagged ‘Toothpaste’


Restore Your Headlights with Toothpaste?

Okay, when we first read about this hack we didn’t quite believe it either but, upon further investigation, it seems to hold water. So just how does it work?

clean cloudy headlightsUnravelling a Mystery

Actually, I have no real idea why this works but I believe it has to do with the fact that toothpaste is an abrasive and the rubbing removes the composite lens material that has become impregnated (it is porous after all) with contaminants and chemically altered via oxidation and UV radiation. But, this is just a guess  so don’t quote me.

Video Proof

Well, in this day and age video doesn’t conclusively prove anything but it is encouraging to use this nonetheless. And, once you hve restored your headlights with toothpaste you’ll probably want to keep them that way. Most sites will simply tell you to wax your lights but this is a solution that requires constant maintenance.

Rather than that you can choose a thin, precut headlight Rshield kit or (wrap kit if the precuts aren’t available). These kits are great because they are not as thick as 3M or Lamin-x and are perfect fo protecting against the haziness that occurs (if you want real rock hit protection they offer thicker kits as well at